Retail stores should be worried about business. People are shopping on the Internet and getting their goods from an online discount store to save money. Not only are the prices much better, they do not have to take the time and spend the gas driving to a store, walking around trying to decide what to buy, picking out the item and then waiting in line to pay for it. You can purchase everything from baby bouncers to zebra-striped sheets online.
I had a friend who recently bought one of the newest sharp microwaves available online. She did not want to wait until it was released in the store to get it. When she had asked one of the clerks about it, she had gotten a bit of attitude. That is another problem with retail stores. The customer service is not very good. People seem to think they do not have to be polite any more. They can talk on their cell phone, walk around the store and basically ignore everyone. I cannot believe how rude people at the register can be. It is not just the clerks either, but the other customers. It certainly has taken a lot of fun out of shopping.
I needed to buy one of the peg perego strollers for my daughter last year. After searching in many stores in the area I decided to just order it online. I di dhave to pay a bit for shipping, but the price was better than the stores and I did not have to listen to the clerks discussing their date the night before with their friend while trying to check out.