Author: elegant

  • What you should know about nail polish

    The ordinary nail polish or name brands that we find in most commercial stores including drug stores and department stores contain three main ingredients: formaldehyde, toluene, and DBP (dibutylphthalate). The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics identifies these ingredients as “toxic trio”. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen. Most…

  • Helen Gurley Brown and Cosmopolitan

    The former Cosmo Editor-in-Chief died at the age of 90.  She ran the Cosmopolitan magazine for 32 years.  She is best known for her provocative thinking on women sexuality. Born on February 18, 1922 in Green Forest, Arkansas, she moved to Los Angeles at the age of 10 with her mother after the death of…

  • Tips for using Eye shadows

    Follow these few steps and colors to create a memorable eye shadow for the evening or every day wear. Everyone will be appreciating your skills of applying eye shadows. Invest in a good eye shadow brush: Brushes made of fur are better than those made of synthetics. However, your ethical preferences may prevent you from…

  • Why you need vitamin C

    Why you need vitamin C

    When you hear the word vitamin C you automatically picture citrus. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known vitamin and to be discovered early on. Sailors and pirates out on the sea for long journeys acquired the scurvy decease due to lack of fresh fruits and vegetables. When you translate the Latin name of…

  • Your hair color

    Color of your hair is depending on the amount of melanin in your hair follicles. More melanin content makes the hair darker and less melanin make your hair lighter. With your age, levels of melanin may also vary. It is also possible to have more than one color due to the amount of melanin. Also…