Are you into art deco rings? Are you the kind of person who can instantly justify the purchase of antique rings without as much as a second thought? Are you also the kind of person who is carrying some extreme amount of credit card debit that you are currently pretending doesn’t exist?If this describes you, put the estate jewellery down and back away slowly; you need some basic lessons in credit card debt repayment, and you need them fast! You may thing that you are beyond help, but it is that attitude that will cause you to end up declaring bankruptcy and going downhill from there – yes, there is a downhill from bankruptcy, and no, you don’t want to know what it is. So it’s time to get your eye off the money, and start paying attention to the things that matter, the bills, the payments, the things you actually need to spend money on – your necessities.
Your necessities don’t include a new bracelet or new shoes every month, rather, your necessities are things that you cannot survive without, such as rent, utilities, internet, transportation costs, food, etc. If you have any animals or children, then your necessities must also include their expenses as well – this does not include your dog’s new sweater, or sadly, a new game system for your son, daughter, and/or significant other. Once you have identified the necessities, all of the money you make that doesn’t go to them, should be put toward making yourself debt free.