Do You Need a Chia Pet? Get Ahold Of Your Finances

I know that we all see the commercials for things that we think are really great ideas, but are you one of those people who put down the remote and pick up the phone?  Then you need to get unhooked from the bug off screen door, because who really needs one of those when you have an actual door?  I know that you think you need a chia pet, but really, that chia pet could be an investment in your 401(K) that could be paying you interest – so that you get real green stuff, not just grass. So the next time you turn on the TV and see the latest car scratch remover, instead of running to the phone, you should turn the other way, and run to the bank to transfer money into your interest-yielding savings account so that you can make money, not lose it or spend it on something that you will never actually use. 

You may think that you need the things that you see on TV, because the sales person said that you do, or just because you think that they are cool.  But don’t fall into the trap that most people fall into, you are smarter than that.  Use your money to make more money, so that someday you can own the companies that make those trinkets, and you can have a room full of them if that is what you wanted.